News Article Writer
Effortlessly produce high-quality news articles to keep your readers informed and engaged—without the manual effort. Here's how to use this feature:
Getting Started
To get started, login to your account and head over to the Article Writers page where you will find the News Article Writer 2.0
Step 1: Choose Your Source(s)
You can select your sources in one of three ways:
News Search Results: Use the built-in search engine that connects to Bing News to search for the latest news articles on any topic. Choose the articles you'd like to use as references for your new piece.
Custom URLs: Provide up to three news articles by linking to the URLs you want to reference.
Custom Text: Paste your own article text if you have specific content you'd like to include.
For instance, you might search for the latest "Bitcoin" news from the past 24 hours to create an up-to-date article.
Step 2: Customize and Generate Your Article
As with our other article writers, you can tailor the language, tone of voice, target keywords, and cover image style for your news article. The News Article Writer 2.0 also includes a "Length" field, allowing you to specify the desired length of your article.
Last updated