Effortlessly produce high-quality news articles to keep your readers informed and engaged—without the manual effort. Here's how to use this feature:
Getting Started
To get started, login to your account and head over to the Article Writers page where you will find the News Article Writer 2.0
Step 1: Choose Your Source(s)
You can select your sources in one of three ways:
News Search Results: Use the built-in search engine that connects to Bing News to search for the latest news articles on any topic. Choose the articles you'd like to use as references for your new piece.
Custom URLs: Provide up to three news articles by linking to the URLs you want to reference.
Custom Text: Paste your own article text if you have specific content you'd like to include.
For instance, you might search for the latest "Bitcoin" news from the past 24 hours to create an up-to-date article.
Step 2: Customize and Generate Your Article
As with our other article writers, you can tailor the language, tone of voice, target keywords, and cover image style for your news article. The News Article Writer 2.0 also includes a "Length" field, allowing you to specify the desired length of your article.
How does the News Writer work? Does it simply paraphrase articles?
This is a common question, and the answer is: No, Mavis AI does not simply paraphrase articles. The news articles generated by Mavis AI are entirely original, with a structure and format distinct from the sources provided.
Here’s how it works, step by step:
Reading the Source(s): Mavis AI reads the articles you've provided.
Extracting Key Facts: It identifies and extracts the essential facts, data, quotes, and key events from these articles, filtering out any unnecessary information or filler content.
Headline Generation: Based on the extracted facts, Mavis AI generates a new, relevant headline for the story.
Article and Image Generation: Mavis AI takes the following into account:
The key facts (including quotes, numbers, key events, and context)
The newly generated headline
Any additional instructions you've provided, such as target keywords and tone of voice
Using this information, Mavis AI generates a completely new article along with a cover image in the style of your choosing. This process ensures a unique and mostly plagiarism-free* article each time.
Are the news articles plagiarism-free?
For the most part, yes. The degree of plagiarism detected can vary depending on the story. This is because news stories often involve widely reported facts, quotes, and events. For example, when a specific quote is used by numerous outlets, it’s natural for some overlap to occur. This will show up in plagiarism checkers, but it is generally acceptable, whether the content is written by a human or AI.
Are the images AI generated?
Yes, the images are AI-generated, and you can select from various styles. We plan to introduce real editorial images in the near future, which will further streamline the process by eliminating the need to manually find relevant and up-to-date images. Currently, all images are generated with a 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio.